Sarita Montiel, una estrêla que esta se fazendo famosa, conforme aparecerá no filme 'Vera Cruz'.
Agradecemos a Erika Comellas nos haya enviado este maravilloso artículo de la revista norteamericana Picture Show, nº20, primavera de 1955. Corresponde a la época hollywodiense de la diva.
Her family is still in Spain, so Sarita's all aione in America. She is 22 and not married.
One of Spain’s chief products has long been its tasty
red wine –wich it exports by the barrel-full. But now it is apparent that
another product raised in the land of
saucy senoritas is just at tasty and full-bodied as its wine. A sample of said
product –a delightful dish named Sarita Montiel- can be seen on these pages.
Sarita is an ivory skinned actress with all the fire, grace and sensuousness
that Andalusian beauties have long been noted for. She’s also the first actress
to come to Hollywood from Spain, via Mexico, in many a year. If all Spanish
actresses look like Sarita, let’s hope they keep exporting them – by the
barrelfull, if possible!
Sarita was making movies in Mexico when Hollywood
scouts came, saw and were conquered. They sent Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster
down to film ‘Vera Cruz’ with this Spanish spice in the starring role. Now
Sarita’s in Hollywood and ‘Vera Cruz’
will soon be at your neighboring theater. You’ll love it – and her!
Fotografía original de Sarita en Veracruz, que inspira la ilustración de la portada del brasileño O Mundo Ilustrado.
¡Hasta siempre....FERNANDO!
Vaya por delante nuestra oración y seguidamente nuestra admiración. Esta semana nos dejaba el genial pintor y escultor, el maravilloso artista Fernando de Vicente. Todos los que compartimos alguna vez con él pudimos disfrutar de su gentileza y bondad, de su absoluta y gratuita colaboración. A él le debemos la figura de Sara Montiel y tantas y tantas cosas que nos han permitido conocer y admirar más a la artista.
¡Descansa en paz Fernando! ¡Nunca te olvidaremos!
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